What is Capoeira?

What is Capoeira?

A Brief History

Capoeira was born in the 16th century, and developed by enslaved Africans in Brazil who sought freedom and self-expression. To disguise their training, they incorporated elements of dance and music, transforming Capoeira into a fluid, rhythmic art form. It became a symbol of resistance and resilience, embodying the struggle for liberation. Today, Capoeira is celebrated globally as a sport, performance art, and cultural heritage, recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural treasure.

Martial arts

What Makes Capoeira Unique?

Arte Pura Capoeira


Capoeira combines martial arts techniques like kicks, sweeps, and acrobatics with flowing, dance-like movements. The practice builds strength, flexibility, and coordination.

Music Capoeira


Capoeira is performed to live music, led by traditional instruments like the berimbau, pandeiro, and atabaque, along with rhythmic clapping and singing.

arte pura capoeira


Practiced in a “roda” (circle), Capoeira fosters connection, creativity, and camaraderie among participants.

Why Learn Capoeira?

Capoeira offers benefits for the body, mind, and spirit.

Capoeira in Modern Times

What started as a form of survival has evolved into a global phenomenon. People of all ages and backgrounds practice Capoeira, keeping its traditions alive while embracing its modern adaptations. From children learning discipline and teamwork to adults discovering a unique way to stay active, Capoeira truly is for everyone.

You don't have to wait until May to experience the energy of Capoeira!

Join our classes now and start your journey today. Whether you’re a beginner or have experience, our sessions are fun, engaging, and open to all ages. Book your trial class now and be part of the movement!

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